Kids Should Make Art: The T-Shirt!!
The time has come: I am going to exploit you, my audience, for the purpose of supporting my students.
You should buy this shirt. From this link on Bonfire. $10 or more from the sale (depending on the sales volume) will go to benefit my music program at my school.
I know you've spent more on charity-benefiting t-shirts than this before. And this one conveys a simple and timeless message. If you believe in that message, and believe in supporting school music programs, then you should buy this shirt.
That's the crux of my sales pitch. I doubt much more needs to be said. I hope you will take heed (and then wear this shirt all over social media so that when we restart the fundraiser in August, they'll be easy to sell).
Love you. Mean it. Thanks in advance.
(Feel free to share the link/this post/anything else. I really do love you!!)